Leading Parent Partnership Award

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At Pond Meadow we are committed to ensuring excellent partnership work between home and school because it makes such a difference to the lives of our children and young people. As a school, we are fortunate to work with an incredible group of families and we look forward to building on this and developing the work that we do together even more in the future.

With the support of Louise Gilks and Nicki Cossey, our Home/School Link Workers, and through parent and carer workshops, forums, and a range of on-site events we provide families with the tools to support their own children as well as developing a good peer-based support network. We always praise parent/carer involvement as they are at the heart of the child’s life. Furthermore we value parents’ views and welcome feedback on how we can continue to improve our relationship with families.

What is the Leading Parent Partnership Award?

The Leading Parent Partnership award gives school a coherent framework to deliver effective parental engagement.

In the forthcoming year, we will be working towards achieving this award. The school will be assessed on how:

  • We support parents as their children transition through the school
  • Include all groups of parents in supporting their children’s learning and developing their own learning
  • Ensure that the school is a welcoming communitive and friendly place to visit.
  • Provide clear and accessible guidance to help support their children are learning and development.
  • Produce parent-friendly policies to establish effective home-school links.
  • Provide clear guidance on the responsibilities of parents, school and pupils and share this information with parents as a key part of the induction process.

For further information about the award please click here go to the LPPA website.

If you have any ideas or suggestions, please contact Louise Gilks, Primary Home/School Link Worker, by calling the school and asking to be transferred or via email lgilks@pond-meadow.surrey.sch.uk