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- Fulfilling Our Equality Duty
Fulfilling Our Equality Duty
How do we eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation?
Pond Meadow Academy Trust does not tolerate direct or indirect discrimination, harassment or victimisation of anyone within our school community, and we are opposed to all forms of prejudice.
- The school has robust procedures for dealing with prejudice-related incidents and all staff receive training on these. All incidents are recorded, and this data is shared with the governing body and analysed so that any trends can be identified, and action plans put in place. Information about these procedures can be found in our Child protection and Safeguarding policy, behaviour policy and they are also referenced in the complaints policy, bullying and harassment policy and staff code of conduct.
How do we advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it?
Treating people equally does not mean treating them all the same. We recognise that people have different needs, different experiences, different outlooks and face different barriers to achieving positive outcomes.
We collect and monitor data broken down by different protected characteristics in order to identify inequalities and disparities within our student population in terms of:
- Progress and attainment
- Admissions
- Attendance
- Rewards, sanctions and exclusions and within our staff population in terms of:
- Recruitment, retention, training and promotion
- Capability, disciplinary and complaints
We employ appropriate interventions where necessary in order to address disparities. Please see our Equalities Objectives and Action Plan for further details.
- We consult widely with a range of groups and individuals to ensure that those who are affected by a policy or activity are consulted in the design of new policies, and in the review of existing ones.
- We assess all of our policies and procedures to ensure that no individuals or groups are disadvantaged and to identify opportunities for positive action.
- We make reasonable adjustments to ensure that the school environment and its activities are as accessible and as welcoming as possible to all, in some cases treating disabled people more favourably than non-disabled people where necessary. Please see our Accessibility Plan for further information.
- We ensure that students’ work is differentiated appropriately, and that the curriculum is accessible to all students.
- We respect the religious beliefs and practice of staff and students and comply with reasonable requests relating to religious observance and practice.
- We take all reasonable steps to ensure the wellbeing and inclusion of transgender staff and students, including those who transition during their time at the school.
How do we foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it?
- We ensure that our curriculum offers opportunities to learn about people with a diverse range of identities.
- We teach our students to recognise and challenge stereotypes and prejudice and to value difference.
- We ensure that our resources challenge stereotypes and reflect the diversity of society.
- We take positive action to ensure that people with a range of different identities engage with our school community for example guest speakers, arts groups, school governors, parent/carer helpers etc.
- Our behaviour policy includes a requirement to respect other people and their different identities.
- We take steps to ensure diversity in our student council, governing body and staff team.
- We celebrate diversity at every opportunity and hold regular assemblies and events celebrating diversity throughout the year.