Our Vision
Equipping Our Learners For Life
Our Values
Teaching the way pupils learn
Our Values
For everyone, everyday
Our Values
Investing in opportunities for all
Our Values
Prioritising skills for life

A very warm welcome from

Pond Meadow Academy Trust

We are an outstanding special school with high ambition, committed to best preparing pupils from the moment they join us for life beyond school, which is reflected in our vision and values.
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Pond Meadow in BLOOM Just reminder, that if you have anything to donate to our garden for the @GuilfordinBloom competition, please can all donations be sent into school by the end of March. We are also looking for anyone who has free time or gardening expertise to share. We would love you to be a part of our Guildford in Bloom journey! For more info visit @guilfordinbloom Or contact Emma and Megan via email, see link in bio. #gardening #guilfordinbloom #PondMeadow #specialschool #equipforlife #specialneeds #specialchildren #send #sendteacher #specialeducation #outdoorlearning #community
Happy Holi for all who celebrate! May every day ahead be as colourful as Holi. Did you know that Holi, the Colour Festival, is a Hindu festival to celebrate the end of winter and start of spring? One of the traditions is to spread colours onto each other to symbolise unity. #holi #colourfestival #PondMeadow #specialschool #equipforlife #specialneeds #specialchildren #specialeducationuk #community
MINI MEADOWS If you have a pre-school child with SEN (or in the process of diagnosis), come and join us tomorrow for Mini Meadows! #MiniMeadows Stay & Play sessions are free, at 10.00 to 11.30 every Wednesday during term time, at Waverly Family Support Centre at Loselyfields. We have a variety of structured play activities, free play and a snack. We take every opportunity to model a total communication approach through verbal language, Makaton, ALD boards and symbols. #PondMeadow #MiniMeadows #SEN #Stayandplay #specialschool #specialneeds #specialeducation #senplaygroup
BOOK WEEK At Pond Meadow we love books so much, we turned book day into book week – filled with activities following the theme ‘Marvellous Me’. On Monday, students and staff celebrated each other’s strengths, REFLECTING on positive qualities. Tuesday was about AFFIRMATION, where staff and students identified their own strengths, creating individual ‘Treasure Chests of Goodness.’ On Wednesday students made their MARVELLOUS ME t-shirts. Yesterday, students & staff dressed as their favourite book character reflecting their personality OR they wore their t-shirts. There were also some BOOK DAY activities that took place. And today, we finish the week sharing special messages from someone important in each student’s life. What a wonderful week we all had! #PondMeadow #equipforlife #specialneeds #worldbookday #reading #literacy #books #specialschool #equipforlife #ukteacher #speechandlanguage
With the excitement of World Book Day today and Pond Meadow celebrating the whole week, our students wanted to sign, ‘World Book Day’. At Pond Meadow we use Makaton signs, symbols and speech as part of our total communication approach. For more Makaton signs and information, follow @makaton. #PondMeadow #specialschool #equipforlife #specialneeds #specialchildren #send #sendteacher #specialeducation #pecsuk #specialeducationuk #autismawareness #teachersofinstagram #ukteacher #communicationskills #makaton #speechandlanguage